Ralph de Chabert, Chief Diversity Officer and Senior VP at Brown-Forman
LCCC invites the nomination of individuals, teams, or organizations that have made significant impact operating in the areas of diversity, inclusion, and equity in the following categories: A company with more than 1,000 employees; a company with 500-1,000 employees; a company with under 500 employees; education—public & private schools, colleges and universities; health care, medicine or related services; and an individual or team in the nonprofit or community setting.
“Equity and inclusion are essential to the economic viability of African-Americans and other minorities,” says Kevin E. Fields, Sr., LCCC’s president and CEO. “Our effort here is to acknowledge and celebrate members of our community who have demonstrated significant impact toward these important values.”
Presentation of the Trustees of Inclusive Equity (I.E.) Awards will be made on June 19, 2018 at a special Juneteenth Celebration Gala at 6:00pm, held in the atrium of the LCCC, Inc. headquarters; located at 1300 W. Muhammad Ali Boulevard, 40203. The Gala will highlight and honor the achievements of individuals and/or teams who influence consideration and advancement of all people in the workplace and/or in the community. Ralph de Chabert, Chief Diversity Officer and Senior Vice-President at Brown-Forman Corporation, is the Honorary Chairperson of this Gala event. Bill Price and Angela Lee, owners of Bill Price Broadcasting, will be master and mistress of ceremonies for the event.
The Juneteenth Celebration Gala is symbolic of a significant date in African-American history that marks strides to promote upward mobility, self-development, respect for all cultures, and true equitable opportunities for all. Proceeds will benefit the mission and programs of LCCC, Inc., an organization dedicated to empowering families, equipping youth, and strengthening a model of self-reliance and service to the Russell neighborhood, Muhammad Ali Boulevard Corridor, and all residents in the surrounding communities and the city-at-large. This is a perfect opportunity for employers and leaders to recognize the hard work and dedication of individuals or teams who are making a difference through their innovative programs and dynamic leadership.
To submit a nomination for an award or to learn about sponsorship opportunities, contact Debbie Grant at 502-583-8821, or email at DGrant@lcccnews.org or visit http://conta.cc/2FUGz6e. Submission Deadline: April 30, 2018.