Louisville Metro Partners with LCCC to Grow Technology Upskilling Program

Louisville Metro has partnered with West Louisville-based organizations AMPED and Louisville Central Community Center (LCCC) to grow their technology upskilling programs. LCCC is partnering with University of Louisville’s Center for Digital Transformation to offer the “Analytics” Track. This track delivers Data Analyst Associate with Power BI and Google Analytics certificate/badge earning opportunities. This track entails ten (10) weeks of part-time training instruction presented virtually and/or within LCCC’s technology learning classrooms.



Azure Fundamentals

IBM AI Practitioner

IBM Design Thinking

Technology Training

Interested in pre-registering? https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/hNPcXbC


For more information, email: info@lcccnews.org

For additional information, please visit: https://www.futurelou.com/