Statement on Current Events

The Louisville Central Community Center just recently celebrated our founders day. For 72 years we have been dedicated to serving every member of this community, especially those of low income in the West End neighborhood of Louisville. Breonna Taylor lived less than 20 minutes away from our doorstep at 1300 West Muhammed Ali Boulevard. 

The majority of our staff at LCCC are Black women whose passion, skillset, and love for community mirrors Breonna Taylor and all that she offered as an EMT. Also, over 70% of our clients are women. Without them, there would be no LCCC. The pain and confusion that our community feels is reckoning within every member of our staff. Since our founding, the LCCC has been there whenever the community rallies for justice. Through the different programs we offer at our facility and from sitting down with community leaders and citizens of Louisville, we have seen just how discrimination and systemic racism has deeply affected every aspect of Black and Brown lives. 

We want all to know that history has a tendency of repeating itself. With that being said, now just like years before, the Louisville Central Community Center is standing with the community in the call for true justice. When you say #BlackLivesMatter and #BlackWomenMatter it is not enough to simply speak the words. A willingness to hold yourself accountable for your actions and how they affect others must follow. No one is above the law. 

To the brave protesters demanding change, please be safe and know that you have a resource to fall on in the form of a Black owned and operated non profit, the Louisville Central Community Center. 

#SayHerName #BlackWomenMatter #BlackLivesMatter